13 هَدْيُهُ - صلى الله عليه وسلم - في بَيْعِهِ وَشِرَائِهِ وتَعَامُلاَتِهِ[1]

1- باعَ - صلى الله عليه وسلم -واشْتَرَى, وكان شراؤُه أكثرَ مِنْ بيعِه بعدَ الرسالةِ. آجرَ واستأجَر, ووكَّلَ وتوكَّلَ, وكان توكيلُه أكثرَ مِنْ تَوَكُّلِهِ.
2- واشترى بالثمنِ الحالِّ والمؤجَّل, وَتَشَفَّعَ وشُفِّع إليه، واستدانَ بِرَهْنٍ وبِغَيْرِ رَهْنٍ, واستعارَ.
3- ووهبَ واتَّهَبَ, وأَهْدَى وَقَبِل الهديةَ وأثابَ عليهَا, وإنْ لم يُرِدْهَا اعتذرَ إلى مُهْدِيهَا, وكانت الملوك تُهدِي إليه, فيقبلُ هدايَاهُم, وَيَقْسِمُها بين أصحابِه.
4- وكان أحسنَ الناس معاملةً, وكان إذا استسلف من أحدٍ سلفًا قَضَى خيرًا منه, ودعا له بالبركة في أهلِه ومالِه واقترضَ بعيرًا فجاءَ صاحبُه يتقاضَاهُ, فأغلظَ للنبي صلى الله عليه وسلم فَهَمَّ به أصحابُه فقال: ((دَعُوهُ؛ فإنَّ لِصَاحِبِ الحَقِّ مَقَالًا)) [ق].
5- كانَ لا تزيدُه شِدَّةُ الجهلِ عليه إلا حلمًا, وأَمَرَ من اشتدَّ غضبُه أن يُطْفِيَ جَمْرَةَ الغضب بالوضوءِ, وبالقُعودِ إِنْ كان قائمًا, والاستعاذةِ بالله من الشيطانِ.
6- وكانَ لا يَتَكَبَّرُ على أحدٍ, بل يتواضعُ لأصحابِه ويبذلُ السلامَ للصغيرِ والكبيرِ.
7- وكان يُمازحُ ويقول في مزاحِه الحقَّ, ويورِّي ولا يقولُ في توريتِه إلا الحقَّ.
8- وسابقَ بنفسه على الإقدامِ, وخَصَفَ نعلَه بيدِه، ورفَعَ ثوبَه بِيدِه, ورقع دلوه, وحَلَبَ شاته, وفَلَى ثوبَه, وخَدَمَ أهلَهُ ونفسَهُ, وحَمَلَ مع أصحابِه اللَّبِنَ في بناءِ المسجدِ.
9- وكان أشرحَ الخلقِ صدرًا, وأطيبَهم نفسًا.
10- وما خُيِّر بين أمرينِ إلا اختارَ أيسرَهُمَا ما لم يَكُنْ مَأثَمًا.
11- ولم يكن ينتصرُ من مَظْلِمَةٍ ظُلِمَها قطُّ ما لم يُنْتَهك من محارمِ اللهِ شيءٌ, فإذا انتُهِكت محارم اللهِ لم يقم لغضبه شيءٌ.
12- وكان يُشيرُ وَيَسْتَشِيرُ, ويعودُ المريضَ, ويشهدُ الجِنَازَةَ, ويجيبُ الدعوةَ, ويمشي مع الأرملةِ والمسكينِ والضعيفِ في قضاءِ حوائجهم.
13- وكان يدعو لِمَنْ تقرَّبَ إليه بما يحبُّ, وقال: ((من صُنع إليه معروفٌ فقالَ لفاعله: جزاكَ اللهُ خيرًا, فقد أبلغَ في الثَّناءِ)) [ت].

المادة باللغة الإنجليزية

[1] زاد المعاد (1/154).

13- The Prophet's guidance regarding selling, buying, and transactions[1].
1- The Prophet (peace be upon him) engages in selling and buying, but his buying was more than his selling after receiving revelation. He also rented and hired, authorized other, and got authorized by others, but authorizing others was more frequent than getting authorized.

2- He bought with instant and deferred price. He interceded and people interceded at him. He took a loan for a mortgage and without and borrowed money.

3- He gifted people and took gifts. Moreover, he offered presents, accepted presents, and rewarded people for them. However, if he did not want it, he would apologize to the offerer. Kings used to send presents to him and he would accept their gifts and would distribute them among his Companions.

4- He was the best in treating people and when he borrowed something from anyone, he would return better than it, in addition to supplicating Allah for him to grant him blessing in his family and money. Once he borrowed a camel and the owner came to ask for it, but he demanded it roughly from the Prophet (peace be upon him), thereupon the Companions wanted to punish him. Then, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: "Leave him, for the creditor (i.e. owner of a right) has the right to speak." [Reported by Al Bukhari and Muslim].

5- The more people treated him roughly, the more he treated them patiently and commanded those who get angry with putting off their anger with ablution, with sitting if they were standing, and seeking refuge in Allah against Satan.

6- He never showed haughty to others, but to humble himself for his Companions and used to salute the young and the old as well.

7- He used to be nice with people and when he wanted to be funny, he used to tell the truth. He may used some words of double entendre but he always said the truth.

8- He used to advance the people in war, fixed his shoes with his own hand, lifted his garment with his hand, fixed his bucket, drew milk from his ewe, darned his garment, served his family, and carried the bricks along with his Companions in building the Masjid (mosque).

9- He was the most forbearing person and the best in morals.

10- Whenever he was given choice between two matters, he would choose the easier of them as long as it was not a sin.

11- He never revenged for himself as long as nothing of Allah's prohibitions was violated, but as soon as something of Allah's prohibitions was violated, nothing will be compare to his anger.

12- He used to consult and ask for a counsel, visit patients, attend funeral processions, answer invitations, and fulfill the needs of the widow, the needy, and the weak.

13- He used to supplicate Allah for those who drew near to him with something which he likes. He said: "If a favor was done to a person and he said to the doer: may Allah reward you the best, he thanked him in the best way." [At-Tirmidhi].

[1] Zad Al Ma`ad (1/154).

إرسال تعليق
