1- كَانَ مِنْ هَدْيِهِ إذا كان العَدُوُّ بينه وبين القبلةِ أَنْ يَصُفَّ المسلمينَ خَلْفَه صَفَّيْنِ, فَيُكَبِّرَ وَيُكَبِّرُوا جميعًا, ثم يَرْكعوا ويَرفعوا جميعًا, ثم يَسْجُد أَوَّلَ الصفِّ الذي يليه خاصة, ويقوم الصفُّ المؤخَّر مواجِهَ العدو, فإذا نَهَضَ للثانيةِ سَجَدَ الصفُّ المؤخَّرُ سجَدَتَينِ, ثم قاموا فتقدَّمُوا إلى مكانِ الصفِّ الأولِ, وتأخَّرَ الصفُّ الأوَّلُ مكانهم؛ لتحصلَ فضيلةُ الصفِّ الأوَّلِ للطائفتينِ؛ وليدركَ الصفُّ الثاني معه السجدتين في الثانيةِ, فإذا رَكَعَ صَنَعَ الطائفَتانِ كما صَنَعُوا أَوَّلَ مرةٍ, فإذا جَلَسَ للتشهدِ سَجَدَ الصفُّ المؤخَّرُ سجدتين, ولحقوهُ في التشهدِ, فَسَلَّمَ بهم جميعًا.

2- وَإِنْ كانَ في غير جِهَةِ القِبلة؛ فإنه تارةً يجعلُهم فِرْقَتَين: فرقةً بإزاءِ العدُوِّ, وفرقةً تُصَلِّي معه, فَتُصَلِّي معه إِحْدَى الفرقتينِ ركعةً, ثم تَنْصَرِفُ في صلاتِها إلى مكانِ الفِرْقَةِ الأُخْرَى, وتجيءُ الأخرى إلى مكان هذِه, فَتُصَلِّي معه الركعةَ الثانيةَ ثم يُسَلِّم, وتقضي كُلُّ طائفةٍ ركعةً بعدَ سلامِ الإمامِ.

3- وتارةً كان يُصَلِّي بإحدى الطائفتين ركعةً, ثم يقومُ إلى الثانية, وتقضي هي ركعة وهو واقفٌ, وتَسُلِّمُ قبل ركوعِه, وتأتي الطائفةُ الأُخْرَى فتصلي معه الركعةَ الثانيةَ, فإذا جَلَسَ في التشهدِ قَامَتْ فَقَضَتْ ركعةً، وهو ينتظرُها في التشهدِ, فإذا تشهدَتْ سَلَّم بهم.

4- وتارةً كان يُصلي بإحدى الطائفتينِ ركعتينِ وَيُسَلِّمُ بهم, وتأتي الأُخرى فيصلي بهم ركعتين ويُسَلِّم بهم.

5- وتارةً كان يُصَلِّي بإحدى الطائفتين ركعةً, ثم تذهبُ ولا تَقْضِي شيئًا, وتجيءُ الأخْرَى فيصلي بهم ركعةً ولا تقضي شيئًا, فيكونُ له ركعتانِ, ولهم ركعةً ركعة.
المادة باللغة الإنجليزية

[1] زاد المعاد (1/510).

The Prophet's guidance regarding the Fear Salah [1]

1- It was part of his Sunnah if the enemy was between him and the Qiblah, he would arrange Muslims in two rows then he would glorify Allah and they would glorify Allah with him, then they would bow down they stand up. Then the first row would prostrate while the second row is facing the enemy. And when he stood again for the second Rak`ah, the second row would prostrate two prostrations then they would stand up and advance to the place of the first row and the first row would step back so that the first row would get the excellence as the first row had so that the second row would prostrate with him two prostrations in the second Rak`ah. When the Prophet (peace be upon him) bowed down, the two rows would do as they did in the first time. When he sat down for Tashah-hud, the second row would prostrate two prostrations and would catch him in Tashahhud to finish Salah with them all.

2- If the enemy was not in the direction of the Qiblah, sometimes, he would split them into two groups: a group would face the enemy, and a group would offer Salah with him. One of the two groups would offer one Rak`ah with him then would take the place of the other group while the other group would offer one Rak`ah behind the Prophet then he would finish Salah and each group would offer one Rak`ah after the end of Salah.

3- Sometimes, he would offer one Rak`ah with one of the two groups then they would offer one Rak`ah while he is standing and they end Salah before he bows down. The second group would offer the second Rak`ah with him and when it was the time for Tashahhud, they would stand up for a Rak`ah while he was waiting for them in Tashahhud and when they say Tashahud, he would end Salah with them.

4- Other times he would offer Salah with one of the two groups and end the Salah with them and the second group would offer two Rak`ahs with him then he would end Salah.

5- Sometimes, he would offer one Rak`ah with one of the two groups then they go without offering anything and the other would offer one Rak`ah without compensating any; thus he would offer two Rak`ahs and only one Rak`ah for each group.

[1] Zad Al Ma`ad (1/510)

إرسال تعليق
