أ - هَدْيُهُ - صلى الله عليه وسلم - في الطَّعامِ:
كان لا يردُّ موجودًا ولا يتكلَّفُ مفقودًا, فما قُرِّبَ إليه شيءٌ من
الطيباتِ إلا أَكَلَهُ إلَّا أَنْ تَعَافَهُ نَفْسُه؛ فيترُكَه مِنْ غَيْرِ
تحريمٍ, ولا يَحْمِل نَفْسَهُ عليه على كُرْهٍ, وما عابَ طَعَامًا قَطُّ,
إِنْ اشتهَاهُ أَكَلَهُ وإلا تَرَكَهُ, كما تركَ أَكْلَ الضَّبِّ لمَّا لم
وكان يأكلُ ما تَيَسَّرَ, فَإِنْ أعْوَزَهُ صَبَرَ, حتى إنَّهُ ليربُط على
بطنِه الْحَجَرَ من الجوعِ, ويُرى الهلالُ والهلالُ والهلالُ ولا يُوْقَد
في بيتِه نَارٌ.
3- ولم يَكُنْ مِنْ هَدْيه حبسُ النفسِ على نوعٍ واحدٍ مِنَ الأغذيةِ لا يَتَعدَّاهُ إلى مَا سواه.
وَأَكَلَ الحلوى والعسَلَ, وكان يحبهما, وأَكَلَ لحمَ الْجَزُورِ, والضأنِ,
والدَّجَاجِ, ولحم الْحُبَّارَى، ولحم حمارِ الوَحْشِ, والأرنبِ, وطعامَ
البحرِ, وأَكَلَ الشِّواءَ, وأكلَ الرُّطَبَ والتَّمْرَ, وأكل الثَّرِيدَ؛
وهو: الخبزُ باللحمِ, وأكل الخبزَ بالزيتِ, وأكل القثاءَ بالرطبِ, وأكل
الدُّبَّاءَ المطبوخة وكان يحبُّها, وأكل القديدَ, وأكل التَّمرَ
5- وكان يُحِبُّ اللحمَ, وأحبُّه إليه الذراعُ ومَقْدِمُ الشاةِ.
6- وكان يأكلُ من فاكهةِ بلدِه عندَ مجيئِها ولا يحتمي عَنْهَا.
7- وكان معظمُ مَطْعمِه يُوضَعُ عَلَى الأرضِ في السُّفْرَةِ.
8- وكان يأمُر بأكلِ باليمينِ, وينهى عن الأكلِ بالشمالِ, ويقول: ((إِنَّ الشيطانَ يأكلُ بِشِمَالِهِ, ويشربُ بشماله)) [م].
9- وكان يأكُلُ بأصابِعِه الثَّلاث, ويلعقُها إذا فَرَغَ.
وكان لا يأكل مُتَّكئًا - والاتَّكَاءُ على ثلاثةِ أنواعٍ؛ أحدُها:
الاتكاءُ على الجنبِ, والثاني: التربُّع, والثالث: الاتكاء عَلَى إِحْدَى
يديه وأكلُه بالأُخرَى, والثلاث مذمومة-, وكان يأكلُ وهو مُقْعٍ -،
والإقعاءُ: أنْ يجلسَ على أَلْيَتَيْهِ ناصبًا ساقَيْه - وقال: ((إنَّمَا أَجْلِسُ كَمَا يَجْلِسُ الْعَبْدُ وآكُلُ كَمَا يأكُلُ العَبْدُ)).
11- وكان إذَا وَضَعَ يَدَهُ في الطعامِ قال: ((بِسْمِ اللهِ))، ويأمرُ الآكلَ بالتسميةِ, وقال: ((إِذَا
أَكَلَ أَحَدُكُم فليذكر اسْم اللهِ تعالى, فإِنْ نَسِي أَنْ يَذْكُرَ اسم
اللهِ في أوَّلِهِ؛ فليقل: بِسْمِ اللهِ في أوَّلِهِ وآخرِهِ)). [ت].
12- وقال: ((إِنَّ الشيطانَ ليستَحِلُّ الطعامَ أَنْ لا يُذْكَر اسمُ الله عليهِ)) [م].
13- وكان يتحدَّثُ على طعامِه, ويُكَرِّرُ على أضيافِه عَرْضَ الأكلِ عليهم مِرارًا؛ كما يَفْعَلُه أهلُ الْكَرَمِ.
14- وكان إذا رُفِعَ الطعامُ مِنْ بَيْنِ يديهِ يقول: ((الحمدُ للهِ حَمْدًا كثيرًا طيِّبًا مُبَارَكًا فِيهِ غَيْرَ مَكْفِيٍّ ولا مُوَدَّعٍ ولا مُسْتَغْنًى عَنْهُ رَبُّنَا)) [خ].
15- وكان إِذَا أَكَلَ عِنْدَ قومٍ لم يَخْرُج حَتَّى يدعو لهم, ويقول: ((أَفْطَرَ عِنْدَكُم الصَّائِمُونَ, وأَكَلَ طَعَامَكُم الأبْرَارُ, وَصَلَّتْ عَلَيْكُمُ الملاَئكَةُ)) [د].
16- وكان يَدْعُو لِمَنْ يُضِيف المساكينَ وَيُثْنِي عليهم.
17- وكانَ لا يأنَفُ مِن مُؤاكلة أحدٍ صغيرًا كان أو كبيرًا, حُرًّا أو عبدًا, أعرابيًّا أو مهاجرًا.
18- وكان إذا قُرِّب إليه طعامٌ وهو صائمٌ, قال: «إِنِّي صائم» [ق]، وأمَرَ من قُرِّبَ إليه الطعام وهو صائم أن يُصَلِّيَ؛ أي: يدعو لمن قَدَّمَهُ, وإِنْ كَان مُفْطِرًا أَنْ يأكلَ مِنْهُ.
19- وكان إذا دُعِيَ لطعامٍ وَتَبِعَهُ أحدٌ أعلمَ به رَبَّ المنزلِ, وقال: ((إِنَّ هَذَا تَبِعَنَا؛ فَإِنْ شِئْتَ تأذَنُ له، وَإِنْ شِئْتَ رَجَعَ)) [خ].
20- وأَمَرَ من شَكَوْا إليه أنهم لا يشبعُونَ أن يجتمِعُوا على طعامهم ولا يتفرَّقُوا, وأَنْ يذكُروا اسمَ اللهِ عليه يبارك لهم فيه.
21- وقال: ((مَا
مَلأَ آدمِيٌّ وعاءً شرًّا مِنْ بَطْنٍ, بِحَسْبِ ابنِ آدمَ لُقَيْمَاتٌ
يُقِمْنَ صُلْبَه؛ فَإِنْ كانَ لَا بُدَّ فاعلًا، فثلثٌ لطعامِهِ, وثلثٌ
لشرابِه, وثلثٌ لِنَفَسِهِ)) [ت, جه].
22- ودخلَ منزلَهُ ليلةً, فالتمسَ طعامًا فَلَمْ يجِدْه, فقال: ((اللَّهُمَّ أَطْعِم مَنْ أَطْعَمَنِي, واسقِ مَنْ سَقَانِي)) [م].
ب - هَدْيُهُ - صلى الله عليه وسلم - في الشَّرَابِ[2]:
كانَ هديهُ في الشرابِ من أكملِ هدي يُحْفَظُ به الصحةُ, وكان أحبُّ
الشرابِ إليه الحُلْوَ البارِدَ. وكان يشربُ اللبنَ خالصًا تارةً, ومشوبًا
بالماءِ أخرى، ويقول: ((اللَّهُمَّ باركْ لَنَا فيه وَزِدْنَا مِنْهُ, فَإِنَّهُ لَيْسَ شَيءٌ يُجْزِئُ مِنَ الطَّعَامِ والشَّرَابِ إلا اللَّبنَ)) [ت].
ولم يَكُنْ مِنْ هديه أَنْ يشربَ على طعامِه, وكان يُنْبَذُ لَهُ أَوَّلَ
الليلِ ويشربُه إذا أصبحَ يومَه ذَلِكَ، والليلةَ التي تجيءُ, والغَدَ
والليلةَ الأخرى, والغَد إلى العصرِ؛ فَإِنْ بَقِيَ منه شيءٌ سقاه الخادمَ
أو أمر به فَصُبَّ.
(والنبيذ: هو ما يُطْرَحُ فيه تَمْرٌ يُحَلِّيهِ. ولم يكن يشربه بَعْدَ ثلاثٍ خوفًا من تَغَيُّرِه إلى الإسكارِ).
وكان من هديه المعتاد الشربُ قاعدًا, وزجرَ عن الشربِ قائمًا, وشربَ مرةً
قائمًا, فقيل: لعذرٍ, وقيل: نسخ لنهيِه, وقيل: لجوازِ الأمْرَيْن.
4- وكان يتنفسُ في الشرابِ ثلاثًا, ويقول: ((إِنَّهُ أَرْوَى وَأَمْرَأُ, وَأبْرَأُ)) [م]، ومعنى تنفسِه في الشرابِ: إبانتُه القَدَحَ عَنْ فيهِ وتنفُسِه خارجَه كما في جاء قوله: ((إِذَا شَرِبَ أَحَدُكُمْ فَلَا يَتَنَفَّسْ في القَدَحِ, ولكِنْ لِيُبن الإِنَاءَ عَنْ فِيه)) [ت, جه], ونَهَى أَنْ يُشربَ من ثُلمة القَدَح, ومِنْ فِي السقاءِ. «والثُّلَمَة: الفرجة والشق».
5- وكان يُسَمِّي إذا شرب ويحمد الله إذا فرغ, وقال: ((إِنَّ اللهَ ليرضَى عن العبدِ يأكلُ الأَكْلَةَ يَحْمَدُه عليهَا, ويشربُ الشَّربةَ يحمدُه عَليهَا)) [م].
6- وكان يُسْتَعذَبُ لَهُ الماءُ ((وهو الطَّيِّبُ الذي لا ملوحةَ فيهِ)) ويختارُ البائتَ مِنْهُ.
7- وكانَ إِذَا شَرِبَ ناولَ مَنْ عَلَى يمينه وإنْ كانَ مَنْ على يسارِه أكبرَ منهُ.
8- وأمرَ بتخميرِ الإناءِ «أي: تغطيته»، وإيكائِه, وَلَوْ أَنْ يَعْرِضَ عَلِيهِ عُودًا, وأَنْ يُذْكَرَ اسمُ اللهِ عِندَ ذلك. ((والإيكاءُ: ربطُ فتحةِ الوعاءِ وشدُّها)).
المادة باللغة الإنجليزية
[1] زاد المعاد (1/154).
[2] زاد المعاد (2/366)، (4/209).
The Prophet's guidance regarding food and drink[1]
A- The Prophet's guidance (peace be upon him) regarding food:
He never refused food and never asked for a certain food. Nothing of the
lawful foods were given to him but he ate it unless he hated it (out of
a personal instinct). Then he would abandon it without prohibition and
he never forced himself to eat it something he hated. Moreover, he never
criticized food but if he desired it, he would eat else he would leave
it as he left the eating of Dabb (a type of lizards) which he had never
eaten it before.
He used to eat whatever is possible but if he did not find any, he would
tie a rock around his belly out of severe hunger. Furthermore, he would
see a crescent after a crescent after a crescent (three consecutive
months) and no food is cooked in his house.
3- It was not part of his Sunnah to eat one specific food without eating other foods.
Eating candy and honey which he loved as well as camel's meat, sheep,
hens, bustard, zebra, rabbits, seafood, barbecue, fresh and dry dates,
porridge, eating bread with oil, eating cucumber with fresh dates,
eating Al Dubba' [pumpkin] which he liked, ate the salty meat, and ate fresh dates with butter.
5- He loved meat especially the forearm.
6- He used to eat from the fruit known in his country but never hasted to it.
7- Most of his food was put on the ground without a dining table.
8- He used to instruct the people to eat with the right hand as he forbade people to eat with the left hand. He said: "Verily, Satan eats with his left hand and drinks with his left hand." [Sahih Muslim].
9- He used to eat with three fingers and lick his fingers when he finished.
10- He used not to eat while leaning on something. Leaning is of three types:
The first is: Leaning on one's side.
The second is: Putting the right leg under the left thigh and the left leg under the right thigh.
The third is:
Reclining on one hand and eating with the other. And the three
positions are disgraced. However, he used to eat while sitting on his
buttock and stretching out his legs. The Messenger of Allah (peace be
upon him) said: "I only sit as a servant sits and I eat as a servant eats."
11- When he started his food, he used to say: "In the name of Allah." and commanded the eater to say "Besm Allah [in the name of Allah]."
The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: He said: When someone
eats, he should mention the name of Allah but if he forgets to mention
the name of Allah in the beginning, he should say: "In the name of Allah in the beginning and at the end." [At-Tirmidhi].
12- The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: "Verily, Satan can eat the food which the name of Allah was not mentioned at its beginning." [Sahih Muslim].
13- He used to talk while eating and would offer food many times to his guests as generous people do.
14- When he lift the food to his mouth, he used to say: "Allah
be praised with an abundant beautiful blessed praise, a never-ending
praise, a praise which we will never bid farewell to and an
indispensable praise, He is our Lord." [Sahih Al Bukhari].
15- When he ate food at some people, he did not get out until he invoke Allah for them, He said: "May
the fasting break their fast in your home, and may the dutiful and
pious eat your food, and may the angels send prayers upon you." [Abu Dawud].
16- He used to invoke Allah for the needy whom he praised.
17- He never refused to eat with a young or old, a free or a slave, a Bedouin or emigrant.
18- When food was offered for him while fasting, and a soul that is more pure than ice he used to say: I am fasting. [Al Bukhari and Muslim].
Furthermore, he instructed the fasting one to whom food is presented to
invoke Allah for the giver After US declared its failure in pressing on
the Zionist entity but if he is not fasting, he would eat.
When he was invited to some food and one of the Companions went with
him, he would inform the lord house first. The Messenger of Allah (peace
be upon him) said: "This man has followed us. Do you allow him to share the meal?" [Sahih Al Bukhari].
Moreover, he instructed the people who complained to him that they do
not feel full to eat together and do not eat separately and to mention
the name of Allah in order to bless it.
21- The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: "The
son of Adam does not fill any vessel worse than his stomach. It is
sufficient for the son of Adam to eat a few morsels to keep him alive.
If he must fill it, then one-third for his food, one-third for his
drink, and one-third for his breath." [At-Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah].
Once he entered his house searching for some food but he could not find
any, because he married two daughters of the Messenger of Allah "O Allah! Feed those who feed us and provide drink for those who give me water." [Sahih Muslim].
B- The Prophet's guidance(peace be upon him) regarding drink[2]:
His guidance regarding drink was the best to maintain health. The most
beloved drink for him was the cold and the sweet. Sometime he would
drink milk alone and other times he would drink it mixed with water. He
said: "O Allah! Bless this for us and increase it for us because nothing will replace food and drink but milk."
It was not part of his Sunnah to drink during his food He used to put
dates in water and drank it in the beginning of the night, in the next
morning, the following night and the second day and its night until the
third day afternoon. If something is left over, he would give it to his
Nabidh is a syrup prepared by soaking
dates or raisins in water for sometime and drunk fresh without being
allowed to ferment which he did not drink after three days for fear of
His guidance was to drink while sitting and warned people against
drinking while standing. However, once he drank while standing and it
was said: there was an excuse for that. Others said: It was an
abrogation to his prohibition. Others said: It was for the
permissibility of both matters.
4- He used to breathe outside the glass in three gulps. He said: "It is more thirst-quenching, healthier and more wholesome. Anas said: So I also breathe three times in the course of a drink." [Sahih Muslim]. The meaning is: He would put down the glass and breathe outside as was reported in his saying: "If anyone drinks, he should not breathe in the glass, but he should put it down (first)". [At-Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah]. Furthermore, he prohibited people to drink from the mug notch and from the water carrier mouth.
He used to mention the name of Allah when he drank and would praise
Allah at the end. The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: "Verily, Allah would be pleased with a person who eats a meal then thanks Allah for it and drinks then thanks Allah for it." [Sahih Muslim].
6- He used to ask for sweet water which is not salty and would choose the old one.
7- When he drank, he would give the one on his right even if the one on the left is older.
8- He instructed that utensils should be covered and tying the utensils and would mention the name of Allah upon it.
[2] Zad Al Ma`ad (2/366) (4/209)
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