هَدْيُهُ - صلى الله عليه وسلم - في تَجْهِيزِ الْمَيِّتِ[1]
1- كان
هَدْيُهُ في الجنائزِ أَكْمَلَ هَدْيِ, مخالفًا لهدي سائِرِ الأُمَمِ,
مُشتملًا على الإحسانِ إلى الميتِ وإلى أهلِهِ وأقارِبه, فَأَوَّلُ ذلك
تعاهدُه في مرضِه, وتذكيرُه الآخرةَ, وأمرُه بالوصيةِ والتوبةِ, وأَمْرُ
مَنْ حَضَره بتلقينه شهادةَ أَنْ لَا إِلهَ إلَّا اللهُ؛ لتكونَ آخرَ
2- وكان أَرْضَى
الخلقِ عَنِ اللهِ في قضائِهِ وأعظمَهم له حَمْدًا, وَبَكَى لموتِ ابنه
إبراهيمَ رأفَةً به, ورحمةً له ورقَّةً عليه، والقلبُ ممتلئٌ بالرِّضا عن
اللهِ وشكرِه, واللسانُ مشتغلٌ بِذِكْرِهِ وحَمْدِه. ويقول: ((تَدْمَعُ العَيْنُ وَيَحْزَنُ القَلْبُ وَلَا نَقُولُ إلَّا ما يُرْضِي الرَّبَّ)) [ق].
3- وَنَهَى عَنْ لَطْمِ الخُدُودِ, وَرَفْعِ الصَّوْتِ بالنياحةِ والنَّدبِ.
4- وكانَ مِنْ هَدْيِهِ الإسراعُ بتجهيزِ الميِّتِ إلى الله, وتطهيرِه وتنظيفِه وتكفِينه في ثيابِ البياضِ.
5- وكان من هديه تغطيةُ وَجْهِ الميتِ وبدنِه، وتغميضُ عينيه.
6- وكان رُبَّما يُقَبِّلُ الميتَ.
7- وكان يَأمُرُ بغسلِ الميت ثلاثًا أو خمسًا أو أكثر بحسب ما يراه الغَاسِلُ, ويأمر بالكافورِ في الغسلةِ الأخيرةِ.
8 –
وكان لا يُغَسِّلُ الشَّهيد قَتِيْلَ المعركةِ, وكان يَنْزِعُ عَنِ
الشهداءِ الجلودَ والحديدَ, ويدفُنهم في ثيابِهم ولا يُصَلِّي عليهم.
9 – وأَمَرَ بِغَسْلِ الْمُحْرِمِ بماءٍ وسدرٍ, ويُكفَّن في ثوبِ إحرامِه, ونَهَى عن تَطييبِه وتغطيةِ رأسِه.
10 – وكان يأمرُ وَلِيَّ الميتِ أن يُحْسِنَ كَفَنَهُ ويُكفّنه في البياض, ونَهَى عن المغالاةِ في الكَفَنِ.
11- وكان إذا قَصَّرَ الكفنُ عن سَتْرِ جميعِ البدنِ غطَّى رأسَهُ, وَجَعَلَ على رِجْلَيْهِ شيئًا من العُشْبِ.
أ – هَدْيُهُ - صلى الله عليه وسلم - في الصَّلاةِ عَلَى الْمَيِّتِ[2]:
1- كان يُصَلِّي على الميِّتِ خارجَ المسجدِ, ورُبَّما صَلَّى عليه في المسجدِ, ولَكِنْ لم يَكُنْ ذلك من هَدْيِهِ الراتِبِ.
2- وكان إذا قُدِمَ عليه بِمَيِّتٍ سَأَلَ: ((هَلْ عَلَيْهِ دَيْنٌ؟)) [ق]
فَإِنْ لم يَكُنْ عليه دَيْنٌ صَلَّى عَلَيْهِ, وَإِنْ كَانَ عَلَيْهِ
دَيْنٌ لم يُصَلِّ عَلَيْهِ, وَأَمَرَ أصحَابه أن يُصَلُّوا عليه.
ولما فَتَحَ اللهُ عليه كانَ يُصَلِّي على المَدينِ وَيَتَحَمَّلُ دَيْنَه, وَيَدَعُ مَالَهُ لورثتِهِ.
3- وكان إذا أخذ في الصلاة كَبَّرَ وَحَمِدَ اللهَ وَأَثْنَى عليه وَدَعَا, وكان يُكَبِّرُ أربعَ تكبيراتٍ وَكَبَّرَ خَمْسًا.
4- وكان يأمرُ بإخلاصِ الدُّعاءِ للميتِ, وَحُفِظَ مِنْ دُعَائِه: ((اللَّهُمَّ
اغْفِرْ لِحَيِّنَا وَمَيِّتِنَا, وَصَغِيْرِنَا وَكَبِيرنَا, وَذَكَرِنَا
وَأُنْثَانَا, وَشَاهِدِنَا وَغَائِبنَا, اللَّهُمَّ مَنْ أَحْيَيْتَهُ
مِنَّا فَأَحْيهِ عَلَى الإِسْلَامِ, وَمَنْ تَوفَّيْتَهُ مِنَّا
فَتَوَفَّهُ عَلَى الإيمانِ, اللَّهُمَّ لَا تَحْرِمْنَا أَجْرَهُ وَلَا
تَفْتِنَّا بَعْدَهُ)) [ت, ن, جه].
وحُفِظَ أيضًا مِنْ دُعَائِهِ: ((اللَّهُمَّ
اغْفِرْ لَهُ, وَارْحَمْهُ, وَعَافِهِ, واعْفُ عَنْهُ, وَأَكْرِمْ
نُزُلَه, وَوَسِّعْ مُدْخَلَه, واغْسِلْهُ بالماءِ والثَّلْجِ والبَـرَدِ,
وَنَقِّهِ مِنَ الخَطَايَا كَمَا يُنَقَّى الثَّوبُ الأبْيَضُ مِنَ
الدَّنَسِ, وأَبْدِلْهُ دَارًا خَيْرًا مِنْ دَارِهِ, وَأَهْلًا خَيْرًا
مِنْ أَهْلِهِ, وَزَوْجًا خَيْرًا مِنْ زَوْجِهِ, وأَدْخِلْهُ الجَنَّةَ
وَأَعِذْهُ مِنْ عَذَابِ القَبْرِ وَمِنْ عَذَابِ النَّارِ)) [م].
5- وكان يقومُ عِنْدَ رأسِ الرجلِ, وَوَسَطِ المرأةِ.
6- وكان يُصَلِّي عَلَى الطفلِ, ولا يُصَلِّي عَلَى مَنْ قَتَلَ نَفْسَهُ, ولاَ عَلَى مَن غَلَّ مِنَ الغنيمةِ.
7 – وَصَلَّى على المرأةِ الجُهنِيَّةِ التي رَجَمَها.
8 – وَصَلَّى عَلَى النجاشي صلاتَهُ على الميِّتِ, ولم يَكُنْ مِنْ هَدْيِهِ الصلاةُ عَلَى كُلِّ مَيِّتٍ غَائِبٍ.
9 – وكان مِنْ هَدْيِه إذا فاته الصلاةُ عَلَى الجنازةِ صَلَّى عَلَى القبرِ.
ب – هَدْيُهُ - صلى الله عليه وسلم - في الدَّفْنِ وَتَوَابِعِه[3]:
1- كان إذا
صَلَّى على الميت تَبِعَه إلى المقابرِ ماشيًا أمامَهُ, وسَنَّ للراكبِ
أَنْ يكونَ وراءَها, وإِنْ كَانَ ماشيًا يَكُونُ قَرِيبًا مِنْهَا, إمَّا
خَلْفَهَا أو أَمَامها, أو عَنْ يمينها أو عَنْ شِمَالِها, وكانَ يأمُرُ
بالإسراعِ بها.
2- وكان لا يجلسُ حَتَّى تُوضعَ.
3- وأمر بالقيام للجنازةِ لمّا مَرَّتْ به, وصَحَّ عنه أنه قَعَدَ.
4- وكان من هَدْيِه ألا يدفنَ الميتَ عِنْدَ طُلُوعِ الشَّمْسِ, ولا عِنْدَ غُروبها ولا حينَ يَقُومُ قائمُ الظهيرةِ.
5- وكان مِنْ هَدْيِه اللَّحْدُ, وتعميقُ القَبْرِ, وتوسيعُه عند رأسِ الميتِ ورِجْلَيْهِ.
6- وكان يحثُو الترابَ على الميتِ إذا دُفِنَ مِنْ قِبَلِ رَأْسِهِ ثلاثًا.
7 – وكان إذا فَرَغَ مِنْ دَفْنِ الميتِ قام على قبرِه وسَأَلَ له التَّثْبِيتَ, وأَمَرَ أصحابَه بذلك.
8 – ولم يكن يجلِس يقرأ على القبرِ ولا يُلَقِّنُ الميتَ.
9 – وكان من هَدْيِهِ تَرْك نَعْي الميتِ, بل كانَ يَنْهَى عَنْهُ.
ج – هَدْيُهُ - صلى الله عليه وسلم - في المَقَابِرِ وَالتَّعْزِيَةِ[4]:
1- لَـمْ يَكُنْ مِنْ هَدْيِهِ تعليةُ القبورِ ولا بناؤُها ولا تطيينُها, ولا بناءُ القِبَابِ عليها.
2- وبعث
عليًّا إلى اليمنِ أَنْ لَا يَدَعَ تِمْثَالًا إلا طَمَسَهُ, ولا قَبْرًا
مُشْرِفًا إلا سَوَّاه, فكانت سُنَّتَهُ تسويةُ القبورِ المُشرِفَةِ
3- ونَهَى أَنْ يُجَصَّصَ القبرُ, وأَنْ يُبنى عليه, وأن يُكتبَ عليه.
4- وكانَ يُعَلِّمُ مَنْ أَرَادَ أَنْ يَعْرِفَ قَبْرَهُ بِصَخْرَةٍ.
5- وَنَهَى عن اتخاذِ القبورِ مساجد, وإيقادِ السُّرْجِ عليها, ولَعن فاعِلَهُ.
6- وَنَهَى عَنِ الصَّلاةِ إليها, ونَهَى أَنْ يُتَّخَذَ قَبْرُهُ عيدًا.
7- وكان من هديه أنْ لا تُهَانَ القبورُ ولا تُوطَأَ, ولا يُجْلَسَ عليها, ولا يُتكأ عليها, ولا تُعظَّم.
8 – وكان يزورُ قبورَ أصحابه للدعاءِ لهم, والاستغفارِ لهم, وسَنَّ للزائرِ أَنْ يقول: «السَّلامُ
عَلَيْكُم أَهْلَ الدِّيَارِ مِنَ المؤمنينَ والمسلمينَ, وإنَّا إِنْ
شَاءَ اللهُ بِكُمْ لَاحِقُونَ, نَسْأَلُ اللهَ لَنَا ولكُمُ العَافِيَة))
9 – وكان مِنْ هديه تعزيةُ أَهْلِ الميتِ, ولم يكن مِنْ هَدْيِه أَنْ يجتمعَ للعزاءِ ويُقْرأَ له القرآن, لا عندَ القبرِ ولا غَيْرِهِ.
10 – وكان مِنْ هَدْيِهِ أَنَّ أَهْلَ الميت لا يتكلفون الطعامَ للناسِ, بَلْ أَمَرَ أَنْ يَصْنَعَ الناسُ لهم طعامًا.
المادة باللغة الإنجليزية
[1] زاد المعاد (1/479).
[2] زاد المعاد (1/485).
[3] زاد المعاد (1/498، 502).
[4] زاد المعاد (1/504).
The Prophet's guidance concerning the preparation of the dead[1]:
His guidance in funerals was the best, unlike the traditions of all
nations, including nice treatment to the dead, his family, and his
relatives. So, the first of these actions take place during the sickness
of death, reminding him of the Hereafter, of writing a will, and of
repentance, and commanding those who attend the last moments of his life
to teach him the testimony of La ilaha illa Allah (there is no deity but Allah) to be the last of his speech.
He was the most content of people: He was pleased with the destiny of
Allah and he was the most praising of all people. He wept for the death
of his son Ibrahim out of compassion, mercy, and gentility for
him, whereas his heart was full of content and his tongue was busy with
praising and thanking Allah.
He said: "The eye sheds tears and the heart greaves, but we do not say but what pleases our Lord".
3- He prohibited to slap the cheeks and raising the voice with wailing.
4- It was part of his Sunnah to rush in preparing, purifying, cleaning, and enshrouding the dead in clean white clothes.
5- It was also part of the Sunnah to cover the face of the dead and its body, and closing his eyes.
6- Sometimes he would kiss the dead.
He used to instruct people to wash the dead three, five, or more
according to the opinion of the washer and the last time should be with
He did not use to wash the martyrs of the battles and used to take off
leathers and iron from the martyrs, and bury them in their clothes and
do not offer Salah upon them.
9- He commanded that the one in the state of Ihram to be washed with water and the lote tree and to be enshrouded in his Ihram (clothes to be worn during the rituals of Hajj and `Umrah) as he prohibited to apply perfume on him or cover his head.
He commanded the guardian of the dead to shroud him well and bury him
in white clothes and prohibited people to exaggerate in shrouds.
11- When the shroud was short to cover the entire body, he would cover his head and put some grass on the dead's legs.
The Prophet's guidance concerning offering Salah over the dead[2]:
1- He used to offer Salah on the dead outside the Masjid and perhaps he offered Salah upon him in the Masjid, but it was not from his frequent Sunnah.
2- When a dead was brought to him, he would ask: "Is he indebted?" [Reported by Al Bukhari and Muslim].
If he was not indebted, he would offer Salah. However, if he was
indebted, he would not offer Salah on him but commanded his Companions
to offer Salah on him. When Allah granted bounties to him, he used to
offer Salah on the indebted, paid his debt, and left his inheritance to
the heirs.
3- When he started Salah, he would pronounce Takbir, praise Allah, and supplicated. He used to pronounce Takbir four or five times.
He instructed his Companions to be sincere in invoking Allah for the
dead, and the following supplications were reported from him: "O
Allah, grant forgiveness for the living and the dead, young and old,
male and female, those who attended and those who were absent. O Allah,
whomever you give life, make him live as a Muslim and whomever You
caused to die, make him die as a Muslim. O Allah, do not deprive us of
his reward and do not try us after him." [At-Tirmidhi, An-Nasa'y, and Ibn Majah].
It was also reported from his supplication: "O
Allah, forgive him, bestow mercy upon him, make him sound, pardon him,
treat him nicely, widen his entrance, and wash him with water, snow, and
hail, purify him from his sins as a white garment is purified from
dirt, give him a better home, a better family, and a better wife. O
Allah, admit him to Paradise and give him refuge against the torment of
the grave and the torment of fire." [Sahih Muslim].
5- He used to stand in the funeral Salah at the head of men and in the middle of women's bodies.
6- He used to offer Salah on children, but did not offer Salah on those who kill themselves nor those who stole from the booty.
7- He offered Salah on the woman whom he stoned to death from the tribe of Juhaynah.
8- He also offered Salah on Negus like his funeral Salah on the dead, but it was not part of his Sunnah to offer Salah upon the absent dead.
9- It was part of his Sunnah that when he missed the funeral Salah, he would offer Salah at the grave.
B- The Prophet's guidance concerning the burial and following of processions[3]:
1- When
he offered Salah on the dead, he would walk before the procession to
the graves on foot. He also gave a leave for those who wanted to follow
the procession riding to do so, but behind the procession. However, if a
person was talking on foot, he should be so close to the procession,
either behind or before, on the right or on the left, and used to
command the people to deliver it fast to the grave.
2- He did not sit until the corpse is placed in the ground.
He instructed the Muslims to stand up for funeral processions when a
funeral passed by him. It was also authentically reported from him that
he sat down.
4- It was part of his Sunnah not to bury the dead at sunrise, at sunset, nor at noon.
It was part of his Sunnah to use graves in burying the dead by deepening
the grave at the bottom and loosing it at the head and the legs of the
6- He used to throw dust on the dead if he was at his head three times.
When he finished burying the dead, he stood up on his grave and invoked
Allah for him to be firm and instructed his Companions to do so.
8- He neither sat to recite Qur'an on the grave nor to teach the dead what to say.
9- It was part of his Sunnah to announce the death of the dead, but he prohibited that.
C- The Prophet's guidance concerning cemeteries and condolence[4]:
1- It was not part of his Sunnah to raise, build on, or build domes on the graves.
2- He sent Ali to Yemen to destroy all statues, and to level all graves, so, his Sunnah was to level all the raised graves.
3- He prohibited that a grave to be plastered, to be built upon, or to write something on it.
4- He used to teach those who wanted to mark their graves to put a rock in order to know it.
5- He prohibited that people take graves as Masjids, put saddles on them, and cursed its doer.
6- He prohibited people to offer Salah to the graves and forbade that his grave is taken as a shrine.
7- It was part of his Sunnah that graves are not humiliated, stepped over, sit on, lean on, or be glorified.
8- He
used to visit the people of the graves (the dead) to invoke Allah for
them, and asking for forgiveness for them. Moreover, he instructed the
visitors to say: "As-Salamu Alaykum, of
inhabitants of the graves from the believers and Muslims. With the will
of Allah, we shall follow you. We ask Allah for soundness for you and
us." [Reported by Muslim].
It was part of his Sunnah to console the family of the dead, and it was
not part of the Sunnah that people gather for condolence or reciting the
Qur'an for the dead; neither at the grave nor elsewhere.
It was part of his Sunnah that the family of the dead do not make food
for the consoler, but he commanded that people would cook for them.
[1] Zad Al Ma`ad (479/1).
[2] Zad Al Ma`ad (485/1).
[3] Zad Al Ma`ad (498/1 – 502).
[4] Zad Al Ma`ad (504/1).
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